From vivid cultural history to tasty local cuisine, Kathmandu in Nepal checks all the boxes. From the city you can visit the holy primates of Monkey Temple, go trekking in the Himalayas, and take a break from the bustle of the city in the Garden of Dreams. When you’re rested, you can head out for drinks in Thamel to see how the locals have fun.

The Work The World House

The Work the World house in Kathmandu will be the central hub of your overseas internship experience. The best way to think of it is as your home from home. The house has a social atmosphere, as you’ll share the house with fellow healthcare students from around the world.

You’ll find the Kathmandu house a short distance away from Thamel — a maze of winding lanes with more shops, bars, and restaurants than you’ll have time to visit.

The house itself is set in a relaxed residential area and a great place to retreat from the bustle of the city. You’ll enjoy breathtaking panoramas of Kathmandu Valley from the rooftop terrace.

This area is also an amazing jumping-off point for adventure trips like paragliding and trekking into the Himalayas.

Read more about our accommodation

In-Country Team

Management team: Based in the house, they oversee your entire Work the World internship abroad - 24/7 - from the moment you land to the moment you leaveCatering team: cook a variety of both local cuisine and familiar home comforts, accommodating all dietary requirementsHousekeeper: keeps the house clean and tidy from top to bottom, making sure you're comfortableLanguage teacher: visits the house twice per-week. During their lessons, you’ll learn everyday phrases and clinical terminology to help you get more from your overseas internshipSecurity team: Monitor the house 24/7 for extra peace of mind

Support in the Hospital

Before you start, our Kathmandu team will take you on an informal visit to your internship hospital. They’ll introduce you to your supervisors and other department staff, while taking you on a tour of the grounds.

Our team will continue to visit you during your placement. This helps ensure you're getting the most from the experience and everything is running smoothly.

We will inform you who your supervisors are before your internship. They key is building  trust such that they provide insight that you can only get from local staff.

In the simplest possible terms, we offer support in every area throughout your clinical placement.

Healthcare Internships in Nepal

Internships in Kathmandu

Medical Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Medical Internships

In Kathmandu, you’ll spend time with some of Nepal’s top specialists. This in and of itself will prove invaluable to your development as a medic. There are diverse opportunities in our partner hospital, and many of them are highly focused. This means you can specialize in fields that are of particular interest to you. It may also be possible for you to travel beyond the hospital grounds to conduct outreach. In the city, you’ll gain experience with members of the local community, helping to diagnose and treat ailments in novel settings. This is one of the best medical internships in Asia.

+ More Medical Internships
nursing elective in kathmandu nepal

Nursing Internships

Our arrangement in Kathmandu allows you to focus in on your areas of interest. You will do this by rotating through departments that interest you most. You can also accompany specialists on an outreach program that operates in both the city and the surrounding areas. What’s more, some of the most well respected professionals in the city’s capital work in our partner hospital. This allows you to draw on their experience and expertise at your leisure.

+ More Nursing Internships
Midwifery Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Midwifery Internships

If you want to understand midwifery in Kathmandu, spend time in our partner hospital. You can spend time in the new birthing centre, a busy outpatient department for antenatal checks, and the gynae clinics. You’ll see deliveries, C-sections surgeries, and birthing complications like preeclampsia. You can also get (observational) experience in a teaching hospital. The hospital has a broad range of services — antenatal clinics, a labour room, a birthing centre, two theatres, a sick baby unit, a maternal and neonatal ICUs, postnatal facilities and an OBG ward.

+ More Midwifery Internships
Dentistry Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Dentistry Internships

Dentistry in Nepal hasn’t advanced in the same way as it has in more developed countries. People in Nepal often have to go to considerable lengths to be seen by someone with even the most basic skills, let alone a specialist. Luckily, dentistry is something our partner hospital specialises in. The hospital’s dental services are provided throughout the local community. Here, you’ll observe (and under special circumstances assist with) routine check-ups, abscess surgeries, restorations, pulpectomies, and more.

+ More Dentistry Internships

Paramedicine Internships

In Kathmandu, you’ll see real differences between the even the most basic aspects of care — a lack of patient privacy, lack of cross-infection control, and a contrast in the way routine procedures are performed. Manual intubation conducted without anesthesia is one example. You’ll also see that patients’ and families’ ability to pay for treatment has an impact on the way conditions are both diagnosed and treated.

+ More Paramedicine Internships
Physiotherapy Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Physical Therapy Internships

The Nepalese healthcare system has shifted its focus towards physical therapy in the last decade. The discipline has grown significantly — there were only 30 qualified physical therapists recorded in 2007 versus 500 in 2012. You’ll see a broad range of ailments as a result of the varied lifestyles people from Kathmandu live, whether they’re from the city itself, or the foothills and mountains surrounding it. The departments in the hospitals we’re partnered with operate as rehabilitative centers for patients who've had accidents, falls, suffered spinal injuries, and more. Most patients are referred here from the neurology, orthopedics, and ENT departments.

+ More Physical Therapy Internships
Radiology Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Radiology Internships

The radiology department has a good range of facilities by local standards. These services are offered at reasonable rates in comparison to Nepal’s other private hospitals. Of course, the number of patients here varies, but there are typically around 50 patients for USG, 15 for CT scans, up to 150 patients for X-rays, and 8 patients for MRIs per day. This will prove a varied placement if you’re proactive. You’ll also spend time with a number of local specialists, tapping into their local expertise to broaden your own.

+ More Radiology Internships
Pharmacy Internship, Nepal (Kathmandu)

Pharmacy Internships

Pharmacy in the modern sense is a relatively new concept in Nepal. The practice of Ayurveda or ‘tree medicine’ is still prevalent throughout the country. That means many practitioners still use herb mixtures along with ancient Hindu healing prayers to treat the sick. Our partner hospital in Kathmandu offers the chance to see how modern pharmacy is developing in the field. Undertake an internship here and you can join in ward rounds, dispense medicine in the pharmacies, gain experience in the hospital’s pharmacovigilance department, and more.

+ More Pharmacy Internships


Deepen your understanding of Nepal and its healthcare system by spending a week in a riverside village in the Himalayan foothills. You'll live with a welcoming village family who will share their rural way of life with you.

Each morning, you will head to the local health post. The healthcare team delivers minor emergency services, checkups, and vaccination programs. But resources here are even scarcer than in city hospitals, limiting care to the extreme.

In the afternoons, you'll cook local dishes, go on mountain hikes, and see how religion and rice farming are the heart of local culture.


BPC - Rens	Goossens

"It was often the case that there were six women in one room labouring at the same time..."

Robyn Grant-Marsh, University of Lincoln 2024

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"I booked only six weeks before my departure. The team was excellent in organising my placement so quickly, and it helped that they communicated with me so well".

Finn Roser, Monash University 2024

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"The social aspects were one of the best experiences of the whole trip."

Ella Bailey, University of Worcester 2024

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"Work the World offer language lessons at the house which were so useful for my time in the hospital. You do not need to be fluent, but understanding some key medical terms is very useful."

Jenny Lee, City University London 2024

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"By lunchtime, I had observed three vaginal deliveries and one caesarean section. This was more than I had ever witnessed in one day in Australia on my O&G rotation."

Kelsey Buss, University of New England 2024

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What healthcare disciplines do Work the World cater for?

Work the World organize short-term educational healthcare internships for the following disciplines: 1. Nursing and Midwifery 2. Medical 3. Physical Therapy 4. Radiology 5. Pharmacy 6. Dentistry 7. Occupational Therapy 8. Paramedicine 9. Biomedical Science


Our house in Kathmandu will be the hub of your experience and your home away from home. You’ll be based only a short distance from Kathmandu’s famous Thamel district — a bustling maze of winding lanes with more bars, restaurants and shops than you’ll have time to visit.


From vivid cultural history to tasty local cuisine, Kathmandu in Nepal checks all the boxes. From the city you can visit the holy primates of Monkey Temple, go trekking in the Himalayas, and take a break from the bustle of the city in the Garden of Dreams. When you’re rested, you can head out for drinks in Thamel to see how the locals have fun.

How much does it cost to do a Work the World internship?

Costs vary depending on where you go and the duration. Details of inclusions and costs can be found here